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Headteacher's update 25 October 2024

Dear Parents and Carers

We come to the end of the first Autumn half term - a term full of activity. It has been so lovely to see the Year 7 students settle into school and enjoy their learning.  Years 8 and 9 continue to make progress in their learning while Year 10 are beginning to understand the rigours of their qualifications.  Year 11 in particular have shown a positive attitude towards their last few months in Hope Valley College, engaging with their learning and the process of looking ahead to their next destination.

We have also already undertaken a significant number of extra-curricular activities which helps to enrich the experience of school.  As a community we have achieved a lot in a small amount of time.

Thank you for being supportive of the high expectations we have in school. To help us keep these high expectations, we would be grateful if you could support us with the following:

  • Supporting your young person to attend school as often as possible
  • Ensuring your young person is in correct uniform each day - this allows staff to focus on teaching and learning
  • Ensuring your young person has a water bottle which they can fill up at break and lunchtime s they can remain focused in their lessons

I would like to thank the students, staff and yourselves for being so welcoming over the last term.  Becoming a headteacher, even in a school where you have been for some time (17 years and counting), is still a challenge and a school's strengths lie in the ties of the community it serves. I hope your young people have a good rest over the coming week and return to school ready for the opportunities the next term presents us with. We look forward to welcoming all students back into school on Tuesday 5 November, as Monday is an INSET day for all students.

What’s going on in school:

  • Our Disney choir sang beautifully during their audition on Wednesday! They looked and sounded superb, and we are eagerly awaiting the outcome of the audition. It is now in the hands of Disney! We should find out if we are successful over the next few weeks. Please encourage your young person to start practising 'Disney Movie Ballads' over October half term. They were given a copy of the music on Wednesday. There is also a copy on our Disney Teams group, including all the audio to enable them to practise. They should either choose 'soprano - high', 'alto - lower' or 'baritone - low'.

  • Hope Valley Pathways students performed their Halloween play, Ebenezer Rouge, in the hall this afternoon to an audience of parents/ carers and staff. They all did a fantastic job!
  • Previous students joined us in assembly on Monday to share their experience of Sixth Form so far with Y11 students. It was lovely to see them and hear about the courses they are now studying.
  • Y10 GCSE computing students have been learning about computer components, bringing in some examples such as motherboards and RAM.


Y11 mocks

The Y11 mocks will run from Monday 25 November to Friday 6 December (please note that the French and Spanish speaking exams will take place between 18 November - 21 November).  Please see the link to the timetable below, more details about these exams will be available after half term and students will be handed their statement of entry nearer the time. 

Exams - Hope Valley College (

Y11 Subject Evening

The Year 11 Subject Evening will take place in school on Tuesday 12 November. This is an opportunity to talk to teachers about progress, attainment and attitudes to learning. Details about how to book appointments have been emailed to Year 11 parents and carers this afternoon.   

PE Lessons next half term




1st of the week


Table Tennis

2nd of the week

Table Tennis

Invasion games on the field/MUGA


Rugby = outdoor PE kit including football boots, black/green football socks, plain black shorts/tracksuit bottoms, HVC outdoor top or plain black top (no logo), mouthguards should be worn.

Table Tennis = indoor PE kit including indoor trainers, white HVC PE top, plain black shorts/tracksuit bottoms/sports leggings, HVC outdoor top or plain black top if necessary

Invasion games = outdoor PE kit including football boots (advance notice will be given if we are on the MUGA and students need trainers), black/green football socks, plain black shorts/tracksuit bottoms/sports leggings, HVC outdoor top or plain black top (no logo)

A polite reminder that students should have PE kit even if they are excused from practical participation. This ensures students do not get their uniform dirty if they are helping to umpire or coaching during the lesson. 

Can we also remind young people that they must bring a note to excuse them from PE if they are unable to physically participate. No PE kit will result in a negative in the first instance, and any situations after this will be a detention. We appreciate your support with this. We also understand that students try really hard to bring the correct equipment! Well done!

Lost Property

We have a significant amount of lost property in reception currently, including several coats. If your young person has lost any items, please ask them to check at reception before we break up for half term this Friday. Any unclaimed items will be donated to charity over the half term holiday. Thank you.

Dropping off and collecting students

A reminder that parents and carers should use the main car park if they are dropping off / collecting students in the morning and afternoon. Please refrain from using the bus bay. If you are collecting students from school at the end of the day and need to come into school to meet them for any reason, please ensure you come to reception by following the signs from the car park around the front of school. Thank you.

Upcoming Music Events

We have many events after October half term and would like to offer your young person the change to participate:

  • Thursday 14 November - Big Band Performance at St Andrew's Church, Psalter Lane, Sheffield. 
  • Sunday 1 December: Big Band Performance at Hathersage Swimming Pool (TBC)
  • Tuesday 10 December: Y7 Choir performance at Seniors Xmas lunch, Losehill Hall
  • Wednesday 11 December: Theatre trip to see Wicked, Palace Theatre, Manchester
  • Thursday 12 December: Y7 Carol Concert 6-7pm (free to attend, no tickets required), St Peter's Church, Hope
  • *Tuesday 17 December: Festive Showcase 6-8pm (more details to follow - please see below):
  • Wednesday 18 December: Poppin-Club, Caroline Court Care Home, Hope (more details to follow)

*Festive Showcase

Please note the date has changed from Thursday 5 December to Tuesday 17 December 2024.

There will be several ensembles performing during the evening, including Big Band, Wind Band, String Ensemble, Disney Choir, Y7 Choir & various Rock Bands.

Dates for Your Diary

  • Monday 4 November – INSET day
  • Tuesday 5 November – all students back in school.
  • Tuesday 12 November – Y11 Subject Evening
  • w/c Monday 25 November – Y11 mock exams
  • Thursday 21 November – GCSE Presentation Evening
  • Wednesday 27 November – PTFA AGM
  • Thursday 12 December – Carol Concert at St Peter’s Church, Hope
  • Tuesday 17 December – Festive Showcase – NEW DATE!
  • Friday 20 December – Break for Christmas

Thank you for reading our communication. Here are some helpful email addresses, should you need to contact us:

Kind regards

Debbie Petts
Headteacher, Hope Valley College