Principal's update 1 December 2023
Published on 01/12/23
Dear Parents and Carers
This week we have shared current attendance information with students to help them know if they need to catch up with work. We are aware that there are lots of bugs and illnesses around. We would be grateful if you could keep us updated on each day of your young person's absence either by leaving a message on the attendance answerphone or via the attendance email. You need to share the name, year group and brief details of illness.
Through our analysis of attendance patterns this year, we have noticed a trend where attendance falls on Fridays. We will be monitoring this for the next few months, and we may contact you to gather additional information around absences on this day.
We have also noticed an increase in the use of mobile phones on the corridors in school and will speak to students about this in assemblies next week. Your continued support with this is appreciated.
We would like to remind you of our procedures in the event of adverse weather conditions being forecast or experienced across our local area. We aim to open as usual every school day. In the event of adverse weather conditions, we will follow our usual school procedures.
Please be aware that:
- Weather conditions are monitored on an ongoing basis and the site is checked regularly to take account of changing conditions.
- We will use the school website, Derbyshire County Council website, emails/texts to parents and relevant social media platforms to communicate any changes in our usual arrangements.
In the event of an early closure, we will use email and text message to send notifications and to communicate with parents before dismissing students. In the event of a school closure, students will leave site using their normal means of transport and we politely ask parents not to contact their young person directly as this can cause confusion. In making any decision regarding change to our usual arrangements, we are mindful of the health and safety of all concerned as well as understanding of the difficulties families may have in terms of planning in advance, finding childcare etc. We will do our very best to make sure that any decisions are the right ones given the information available to us at the time and that they are communicated to you as soon as practically possible.
What’s going on in school:
- On Thursday 7 December, our Young Hope Leaders have organised for our school to take part in 'Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day'. On this day students can wear an appropriate for school, Christmas or wintery themed jumper in place of their normal HVC hoodie, along with their normal uniform. (It is not a non-uniform day.) We are asking for a minimum donation of £1 per student. This can be done paid Parent Pay or can be given in cash during tutor time in school. Every £2 raised could pay for a pair of shoes to keep a baby in Afghanistan warm through winter, or every £5 raised could pay for a maths pack to make sure a child in the UK is ready for school. Remember, there’s no need to buy a new jumper. If you want to get creative and decorate a jumper, the Christmas Jumper Day website contains lots of fun craft ideas. Christmas Jumper Day 2023 | Save the Children UK. Together, we can make the world better with a sweater. Thank you for your support.
- Students competed in the Utilita Football U13 Girls Cup Derbyshire Trials on Wednesday this week. Despite their brilliant goal difference, they just missed out on a place in the semi-finals by one point and finished 5th out of 16 teams. Great work!
- We are busy planning Christmas events within school and look forward to Christmas Dinner, Christmas Jumper Day and the famous HVC Christmas Bazaar! We will confirm dates for all of these events as soon as possible. A reminder that we will be holding a Christmas Carol Concert in St Peter’s Church in Hope on Thursday 14 December at 6pm. Everyone is welcome to attend.
- A huge well done to students who competed in the High Peak Cross Country Trials for Derbyshire Cross Country Schools event this week. Their performances and their behaviour were amazing! Congratulations to all who took part, with special mention to Anwen in Y9 and Jack in Y11 who came first, and Finley in Y9 who came second.
- It was the turn of Y9 students to take part in the interhouse table tennis tournament this week, with Kinder taking the title. Well done to all involved.
Y11 Subject Evening
The Year 11 Subject Evening will take place in school on Monday 11 December. This is an opportunity to talk to teachers about progress, attainment and attitudes to learning. Please use the following link to log into the SchoolCloud booking system to make appointments with the relevant teachers:
If staff are unavailable because all appointments have been booked, please contact the member of staff directly to arrange feedback. The waiting list is to facilitate appointments should places on the evening become available.
Y9 World Views Assessments
Year 9 World Views Assessments will be taking place on the following days in ICT 2:
9H – Thursday 7 December
9O – Tuesday 5 December
9P – Tuesday 12 December
9E – Monday 4 December
Homework to revise has been set on Classcharts. Please check your Teams assignments for revision materials and essay writing/planning support. If you are absent from school on the day of the assessment, arrangements will be made for you to complete the test on your return to school.
Festive Showcase – Tuesday 5 December
There are still a few tickets left for our Festive Showcase on Tuesday 5 December from 6 – 8pm. Tickets can be purchased via ParentPay and cost £4 per person. Our PTFA will be selling refreshments on the night and holding a raffle. Any cash donations towards our music and drama fund on the door will be greatly appreciated. Please park in the main car park just before the railway bridge.
Rehearsals will take place throughout Monday and Tuesday. All performers/helpers should stay after school and all parents/carers must give online or written consent to J Machan. Please bring all costumes/outfits to school on Tuesday morning. Students will get changed in the PE changing rooms after school. They should also bring something to eat and drink.
We Will Rock You Rehearsals wc 4 December
DofE Meetings for w/c 4 & 11 December
Please see the details below for the continuing DofE meetings after school. Unfortunately, Mrs Oldfield Yr9 DofE group meeting has had to be cancelled next week. The session will be run back-to-back in the next meeting on Tuesday 19 December. Mr Fitton's group will meet as normal on Tuesday 6 December.
Road Closure
We have been informed that the road at Brough will be closed from 4 December to 15 December to facilitate retaining wall stabilisation work. Derbyshire County Council have advised us that school buses will have access and will be allowed through, but anyone travelling by private vehicle should use an alternative route.
Spare uniform
Thank you for your continued donations of spare/old uniform. We now have a large supply of S/XS/XXS hoodies, sweatshirts and polos, however we are very short on M/L/XL hoodies, sweatshirts and polos. If you have any spare/old uniform that you no longer require, please consider donating it via Reception.
Job Vacancies
We are currently recruiting for Exams Invigilators (casual contract). For more information, please see our website: Vacancies - Hope Valley College (
Office 365 for Education for free
If you are thinking of buying a PC/laptop for Christmas, then there is no need to buy an Office subscription. You can download and use Office 365 for Education for free on your home PC/laptop via students’ Chorus Trust email accounts.
Thank you for reading our communication. Here are some helpful email addresses, should you need to contact us:
Kind regards |
Gaynor Jones, Principal
Hope Valley College
T: 01433 620555