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Headteacher's update 27 September 2024

Published on 30/09/24

Dear Parents and Carers

As we move towards the end of the first month of the academic year, there is an opportunity to reflect on all that is happening in school. This week we have welcomed our Danish partner school and triumphed in the international sports event with other local secondary schools. We have had European Day of Languages, and the canteen produced an international menu in support. And finally, our open evening, which showcased everything that school has to offer for prospective parents. It was such joy to walk around school and see our young people contributing in this way to the school community. This weekend sees our final Duke of Edinburgh Expedition for Year 11s and while they will be weary on their return to school on Monday, it is further proof of how committed our students are to taking up opportunities to learn new skills.  

What’s going on in school:

  • Students from Frederikssund Realskole (near Copenhagen in Denmark) have been in school this week, spending time with their Y10 buddies and learning more about school life in England. They visited Y7 MFL classes and gave presentations about school life in Denmark.
  • Netball club is up and running every Wednesday from 3.30 – 4.30pm – all welcome, no experience necessary as training is provided. Y7s particularly welcome!
  • The Disney Choir is up and running, with rehearsals every Thursday lunchtime and some after school rehearsals too. Please see the schedule for the next few weeks below.

Y9 Theatre Trip

Year 9 will be visiting Leeds Playhouse Theatre on Friday 25 October to watch a production of Run, Rebel, an adaptation of a verse novel they are currently reading in their English lessons. More information will be provided in a letter home next week.

Y11 Information Evening – Tuesday 1 October

Information has been sent to parents and carers of Y11 students regarding the information evening on Tuesday next week. Please sign up for one of the sessions offered – the deadline for sign up is Sunday 29 September.

Y7 Information Evening – Wednesday 9 October

More information will soon be sent to parents and carers of Y7 students regarding the information evening on Wednesday 9 October. This will start at 4.30pm and will include talks from our Senior Leadership Team, plus the opportunity to meet your young person’s tutor.

Parent Parking

If you are collecting your young person from the main car park at the end of the day, could we politely remind you to park in one of the marked bays whilst you wait for them, rather than waiting outside Hope Valley Pathways or in the main throughfare. Thank you.


Dates for Your Diary

Tuesday 1 October – Y11 Information Evening

Wednesday 9 October – Y7 Information Evening

Friday 25 October – Break for Half Term

Monday 4 November – INSET day

Tuesday 5 November – all students back in school.

Tuesday 12 November – Y11 Subject Evening

w/c Monday 25 November – Y11 mock exams

Thursday 28 November – GCSE Presentation Evening

Thursday 5 December – Festive Showcase

Thursday 12 December – Carol Concert at St Peter’s Church, Hope

Friday 20 December – Break for Christmas


Thank you for reading our communication. Here are some helpful email addresses, should you need to contact us:

Kind regards

Debbie Petts

Headteacher, Hope Valley College
T: 01433 620555