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Headteacher's update 15 November 2024

Dear Parents and Carers

On Monday we collectively took time as a school to reflect on the Armistice and through our assembly programme this week we have thought about the Royal British Legion's notion of 'Service above self'. I have talked with each year group about how we can think about others in our daily lives and maybe share some small acts of kindness. 

It is inevitable that as we get further into November, we have to consider the prospect of snow. Currently the forecasts next week suggest we could see some in this area, although at this stage it is difficult for us to be entirely certain when, how much and in which areas. As a headteacher, this is the part of the job that gives the most trepidation as it entirely relies on our ability to predict events that are outside of our control.  We will monitor the situation carefully and communicate if we feel we may be in a position where we need to make a decision. It would be of benefit if you could ensure that your young person brings a coat to school as the temperatures are forecast to drop next week.  It would also be helpful if you could share with your young person the arrangements for them accessing home if we were in a position where we had to call the buses early. 

Mobile Phones

We are in the final stages of our mobile phone use consultation and students have several days to complete the survey we have sent out to them. Once this is done, we will review our policy and share again before the end of term to seek views. Already the changes that we have made at the start of the year are having a benefit and we are certainly seeing fewer instances of misuse of phones during the school day. However, we have had a small but noticeable increase in issues around the use of What's app groups and Snapchat groups outside of school times, which are impacting in school. We ask for your support in helping your young people to use their phones responsibly when communicating with other members of the school community.

What’s going on in school:

  • Thank you to Oscar, Y11, who took some incredible photographs whilst in Barcelona – some of which we have shared with you below.

Barcelona image 1

Barcelona image 2

Barcelona image 3

Barcelona image 4

Barcelona image 5


  • PCSO Brockett visited school on Wednesday lunchtime to offer a drop in session for students to find out more about Knife Crime, in conjunction with Knife Crime Awareness Week.

PCSO visit

  • Today we came together as a school to raise money for Children in Need. Our non-uniform day raised just over £365! Thank you to all who donated!
  • Our Big Band performed at St Andrew’s Church in Sheffield last night at the Jazz Generations event and sounded brilliant! Well done to all involved.

Big Band

big Band

ATL reports

ATL reports have now been shared with parents and carers via the Arbor App. We have sent out details about how to log into the app previously, please contact the school if you require any further support. Information about ATL can be found on our website here: Attitude to Learning - Hope Valley College ( 

Y11 Mock Exams

The Y11 mock exams start next week with the Spanish speaking assessments. Students should now have their individual time slot, and this information can also be found on the exam noticeboard.  The French speaking assessments will now take place on Monday 16 December and Tuesday 17 December.   Exam pencil cases can be purchased from Parentpay and collected from Reception.  Please see the link to the timetable below, students will be handed their statement of entry at the beginning of next week.

Exams - Hope Valley College (

The exam boards and the DfE have strongly indicated that in GCSE Combined Science and GCSE Physics exams the students are very likely to be given full equation sheets containing the equations they will use. During the forthcoming mock exams, we will supply full equation sheets to the students, in anticipation of this happening in their final GCSE exams. Please note, in the next few months the exam board may decide against providing these sheets in the final exams. We will advise students if this decision is taken, although it appears to be unlikely. We recommend that students revise the equations still, especially the symbol equations, which will allow them to use the equation sheets more easily.

Water bottles

We are seeing an increased number of young people asking to leave lessons to have a drink, who do not have a water bottle.  Please ensure your young person has a water bottle so that they do not need to leave lessons to have a drink.

Dinner Money Reminder

Our on-site Catering team prepare fresh meals every day and operate on a self-financing basis – the meals are priced to generate the necessary income to cover all costs. As a small school, we are continually managing our costs and unfortunately dinner money arrears are starting to increase.

When balances fall to zero or below, parents/carers are notified via email. These emails are sent daily and for debts over £10 a letter is sent home so that accounts can be topped up at your earliest convenience. Parents/Carers can check balances at any time on Parent Pay and monitor your child’s purchases and students can check their balance using a machine in the dining room.

We would never want any of our students to be in a position where they cannot obtain a meal. However, school meals must be paid for in advance and if a student has a nil balance on their account, they will be asked to collect a lunch slip from student reception before purchasing food. The slip is to be used as a temporary measure to allow parents/carers the opportunity to add funds. Thank you for cooperation in ensuring students dinner accounts remain in credit.

PTFA AGM – Wednesday 27 November

The PTFA are holding their AGM on Wednesday 27 November at 8pm in the tea rooms section of the Old Hall Pub. We will be briefly reflecting on last year and discussing the year ahead. The Committee likely to continue in current form so no need to volunteer for major roles. Please come along to share new ideas and help ensure we are representing parents and carers views more generally in the elements that we support. 

Dates for Your Diary

  • w/c Monday 25 November – Y11 mock exams
  • Wednesday 27 November – PTFA AGM
  • Thursday 12 December – Carol Concert at St Peter’s Church, Hope
  • Tuesday 17 December – Festive Showcase
  • Wednesday 18 December – Christmas Dinner
  • Friday 20 December – Christmas Jumper Day, Christmas Bazaar, Break for Christmas

Thank you for reading our communication. Here are some helpful email addresses, should you need to contact us:

Kind regards

Debbie Petts
Headteacher, Hope Valley College