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Parent Teacher and Friends Association (PTFA)

The Parent, Teacher and Friends' Association for Hope Valley College is very active in support of the school. They are busy organising fundraising events throughout the year, and provide refreshments at other school organised events.

Benefitting All Hope Valley Students

All PTFA funds raised directly benefit out students. In recent years, support from the PTFA has helped Hope Valley College refurbish its library and geography classrooms, and has contributed to equipment and additional resources in design, science, music and learning support.

Get involved

Anyone from our community who wants to support the school is welcome to get involved; new ideas and helping hands are always appreciated. If you are the parent or carer of a new student, getting involved with the PTFA is a great way to get to know the school.

The PTFA would love to hear from you if you can provide great ideas for fund-raising opportunities, and help to make them happen.

Please email us at for further information. We'd love to hear from you!