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Key Stage 4 Options

The options process is an important period for our Year 9 students as they start to think about the courses they will study in Year 10 and 11, and their future education and career paths after they leave Hope Valley College. We offer a range of GCSE and vocational courses (e.g. Technical Awards) at key stage 4.

Most of the qualifications that we offer are GCSEs, which count as Level 2 qualifications. The assessment is through formal examinations, although some also have an element of 'non-examination assessment' within them (tasks taken in school under controlled conditions). The GCSE grades are 1-9, with 9 being the highest grade. Technical Awards, which are also level 2 qualifications, include a strong applied focus, linking learning to particular career paths. They have a greater emphasis on internal assessment, mainly via the completion of portfolios.

We encourage our students to study a suite of qualifications called the English Baccalaureate (EBacc) – namely GCSEs in maths, English, science, a language and a humanity (either history or geography).

How to choose your options

Year 9 students choose their options by following the steps below:

  1. Read the options booklet.
  2. Complete and submit the online pre-options interview form.
  3. Attend the Year 9 options evening.
  4. Ask questions and attend your interview with school leaders.
  5. Complete and submit the online options form.

Key dates for 2025

  • Wednesday 29 January: options launch assembly/options pre interview form sent home
  • Monday 10 February – Thursday 6 March: options interviews take place in school
  • Thursday 6 March: options evening in school
  • Friday 7 March: options form emailed home
  • Friday 14 March: options deadline (options forms should be returned)

Options booklet

Year 9 students receive a copy of the options booklet. This booklet is also available to view below:

Frequently Asked questions

What is the English Baccalaureate (EBacc)?

We encourage all our students to study a suite of qualifications called the English Baccalaureate (EBacc) – namely GCSEs in English, maths, the sciences, geography or history and a language.

By studying the EBacc suite of qualifications our students have a wide range of options available to them at both post-16 and degree level.

What sources of information should students use?

Students are encouraged to:

  • Talk to teachers at school and during the Year 9 subject evening.
  • Talk to their form tutor.
  • Speak with our Careers Advisor.
  • Visit the UCAS website for information about possible careers:
  • Further sources of careers advice are available on the careers advice page.
  • Discuss the options with family and friends.

If students, parents or carers still have queries, please let us know by email at or telephone on 01433 620555.

Submitting the options form

The online options form should be completed and submitted by Friday 14 March 2025.