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Clubs and Extracurricular Activities

Hope Valley College has a long history of participation in extracurricular activities. Since opening in 1958, the school has been in the heart of the community, offering a range of further curriculum opportunities for both students and adults.

Extracurricular involvement still defines Hope Valley College today and staff and students pride themselves on their participation, excellence and involvement. We are passionate about the wider curriculum opportunities we offer, and care about the personal development of our students. At Hope Valley College, we know that students will develop their readiness-to-learn, planning and independent problem-solving skills. It is also vital that young people get the opportunity to navigate positive mental health strategies, allowing students to relax, improve resilience, and learn how to cope in potentially stressful situations. Our clubs strengthen staff and student relationships and allow young people to develop respect and appreciation of others.

With this in mind, we are committed to offering an extensive extracurricular timetable that provides a broad and balanced range of activities. This year, students are being given more opportunities than ever to access wider curriculum opportunities, and we are working to reduce challenges that may prevent young people from taking part.

See our comprehensive timetable to get a flavour of what Hope Valley College is about!