House System
At Hope Valley College we believe that students will achieve their full potential if they are happy, recognise that they belong to the college and have support if they are struggling. Their well-being is of paramount importance. We pride ourselves on the well-developed pastoral system that is embedded in everything we do.
We have four houses: Lose Hill, Win Hill, Mam Tor and Kinder Scout. These form the family that students belong to during their journey through the school.
Heads of Key Stage
- Key stage 3: Miss A Starbuck.
- Key stage 4: Mr A Jenkinson.
Student support
In addition to this we have two pastoral officers.
Pastoral officers offer a triage system of extra help when student’s needs are more complex. They will offer support and guidance on a regular basis to the individual students allocated to them and, when necessary, develop strong relationships with parents.
Students who will benefit from the extra, specialised support of a counsellor are referred through pastoral staff.