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Principals' update 16 December 2022

Published on 16/12/22

Dear Parents and Carers

We are in the process of monitoring attendance and will be sending out a range of communication. We understand that there has been a degree of illness this term but we are continuing to raise awareness of attendance and the impact this has on our young people. If parents or carers feel they need support with attendance, please contact our Pastoral Team. We will be monitoring attendance particularly closely on the last 2 days of term and may request additional information to authorise any absence on these last 2 days. 

Thank you to everyone who came along to our Festive Showcase on Tuesday and our Carol Service on Thursday. We are so proud of our wonderful performers! Huge thanks goes to all the staff involved in the organisation and production of both evenings. Thank you also to our students who helped out and performed at the Senior’s Christmas Lunch at Losehill YHA on Tuesday and sang at Caroline Court on Wednesday. Our community links are so important to us and it is a pleasure to be involved in events like this. 


What’s going on in school?

  • We had a carefully managed cold outdoor session on Friday. Students were all wrapped up and could hardly move from all the layers, but they were warm and had a great experience. We shortened the session and added more walking to keep us moving. Weaselling was minimal, but just playing in the snow and being in these adverse conditions was enough outdoor activities for anyone! The group were outstanding!


  • All our Year 7 students are this week receiving their chosen Bookbuzz books which we ordered earlier this autumn through the excellent reading charity, BookTrust. As always, thanks go to the PTFA for supporting this scheme and helping make it happen, as they have done for several years. Books are being distributed during library lessons and the excitement is high! We hope they will enjoy reading their books over the holiday.


Y10 & Y11 mock exam timetables

Y10 and Y11 mock exams timetables are now on the website here - Exams - Hope Valley College (

Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper Day

Our kitchen team will be serving Christmas Lunch on Monday 19th December. Christmas Dinner with all the trimmings, a pudding and a cracker will cost £2.50. Students are also welcomed to wear Christmas jumpers to school on the Monday and the Tuesday.

Christmas Bazaar

On the last day of term, Tuesday 20th December, we will be holding our annual Christmas Bazaar in school – this is a much-loved HVC tradition and involves students in all years. This is just for students and takes place during the school day. Each form has come up with a different theme for their stall.

This is a fund-raising event so students will need to bring a small amount of cash to participate in the games. Each game will charge around 20p.


The School Age Immunisation Team who will be at school on Thursday 19th January 2023 for students in Years 7-9 to administer Flu vaccinations. Information and consent forms have been sent out to parents this week  

Extra curricular Achievements

We are aware that we have a very large number of students participating at an exceptionally high level in sports and activities outside of school.  We would love to get a current overview of all these students and their achievements in order to celebrate and acknowledge the hard work, commitment and resilience that is needed to succeed. Please could you share any relevant information with Mrs Oldfield  with the following information:


Year Group


Level (e.g. club, district, regional, national or equivalent high-level qualification)

Picture if appropriate

We are looking forward to hearing back from you!

Job Vacancy

Castleton C of E Primary are looking for a part time School Business Manger to work 16 hours each week. Please ring the headteacher Mrs Lees for further details – 01433 620630.

Thank you for reading our communication. Here are some helpful email addresses, should you need to contact us:

Kind regards

Gaynor Jones, Principal 
Hope Valley College

T: 01433 620555