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Principal's update 24 May 2024

Published on 24/05/24

Dear Parents and Carers

Thank you for your support this half term. We hope you enjoy a restful break and we look forward to welcoming students back to school on Monday 3 June.

Today we celebrated the journey of our Y11 students through Hope Valley College. Our Leavers Assembly this afternoon looked back on a group of 11-year-olds, who joined us in 2019 and their adventures throughout their time in school. Our catering team produced a barbecue lunch, staff played against students in netball and football matches and we finished the afternoon off with a game of rounders on the field. We wish all of our Y11 students all the very best with the rest of their exams and with their future studies. We look forward to celebrating with them on results day and at presentation evening in the Autumn term.

What’s going on in school:

  • Last Wednesday we marked the culmination of this year's Year7/11 Reading Buddies, in which partnered readers have spent time together each week, building fluency and confidence in reading. Mrs Jones joined us for celebratory cake and gave out certificates of excellence, as well as postcards of thanks from the Year 7s to their mentors. The Y7s are looking forward to being mentors themselves when they reach the top of the school - it won't be long!
  • Y10 GCSE Music students have been busy revising using their Knowledge Organisers in preparation for their upcoming mock exams. Knowledge Organisers provide a concise summary of information relevant to different topics studied.

  • Congratulations to our new Student Ambassadors! They will take over from our outgoing Y11 Student Ambassadors and will have various responsibilities in school, including lunch queue supervision, assisting at Subject Evenings and looking after visitors.

PE Activities after half term

Boys: 1st lesson of the week = rounders, 2nd lesson = tennis

Girls: 1st lesson of the week = tennis, 2nd lesson = rounders


Bikeability instructors will be in school on Monday 1, Tuesday 2 and Wednesday 3 July. Bikeability is open to all Year 7 students and any Year 8 students who missed the scheme last year. Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. More information will be sent out after half term. 

Job Vacancies

We are currently recruiting for a Teaching Assistant Level 3 (Temporary). Please see our website for more information about this vacancy: Vacancies - Hope Valley College (

Thank you for reading our communication. Here are some helpful email addresses, should you need to contact us:

Kind regards

Gaynor Jones

Principal, Hope Valley College
T: 01433 620555