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Pupil Premium

What is the pupil premium?

The pupil premium grant is funding to improve educational outcomes for disadvantaged students in state-funded schools in England.

Pupil premium funding is allocated to eligible schools based on the number of:

  • Students who are recorded as eligible for free school meals, or have been recorded as eligible in the past six years (referred to as Ever 6 FSM)
  • Cildren previously looked after by a local authority or other state care, including children adopted from state care or equivalent from outside England and Wales

The grant also provides support for children and young people with parents in the regular armed forces.

What do we do at Hope Valley College?

At Hope Valley College, we want to inspire and nurture every student to be the best they can be.

Using pupil premium funding, we aim to maximise the participation of students in all aspects of school life.

  • Our curriculum is ambitious and wide ranging. Pupil premium funding supports all students to access this curriculum.
  • We prioritise and promote chances to participate in the wider life of the school through a programme of extracurricular opportunities. Pupil premium funding enables us to remove some challenges which might prevent young people from taking part.
  • We aim to build a sense of belonging by knowing every individual. Pupil premium funding supports interventions to promote resilience and ensure students can be successful in school.
  • Where students are finding it difficult to keep up, pupil premium funding means that the school can offer interventions which are targeted at each student's needs.

How have we used the pupil premium funding?

We use this to make improvements in three important areas:

  • Improving teaching.
  • Targeted academic support.
  • Strategies to improve attendance at school and students' sense of belonging.

Our strategy statement (available at the bottom of this page) gives more detail on how we spend the pupil premium funding.

How can I register for Pupil Premium funding?

All families who may be eligible for free school meals are encouraged to apply. Parents and carers of students can register for free school meals on the Derbyshire County Council website.